Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

Poor Cat

Yesterday i saw a stray cat with wound on the left eyes and lame foot. She's a (very) skinny female cat. She tried to crossing the street but an old man save her and take her to the roadside. I feel so pity for her, i wish i can save her life. You know, i adore cat so much especially with the local (Indonesian) cat but too bad my mom don't allow me to adopt a cat, the reason is she doesn't like a furry animal :( looks stupid, i just stand in front of the cat speechless.. How poor is she, i can see on her eyes that she sad. She can't move easily. I saw her just quite and muse. Sometimes i saw her sleep, but awakened and so on. Suddenly, come a woman and saw her then she called someone, i don't know who but after that, come a man with a motorbike bring a box. He take the cat to the box then bring her home. Sigh.. i just feel "free" i thank god for those woman who have a big heart, so im sure that now the cat is in a better place and she must doesn't feel sad or lonely anymore :)

Polka Top Made by My Aunty
Bloop Endorse Trouser
Wondershoe Shoes

10 komentar:

  1. love the shoes!


  2. Loveee your shoes!!

    Join my Pretty Little Things Giveaway, win pretty jewelry from Romwe. Click HERE. OPEN WORLDWIDE!! Ends in August 25th.
    Karina Dinda R. ♥

  3. you look so cool, so stylish!!


  4. love your shoes! :D
    btw the button is below the lookbook corner
    i don't active in the bloglovin :(
    if you're not find it, it's okay dear :D


    1. Hey dear, i just following you with the 'manual' way hihi I'm waiting for your next blogpost btw :D

  5. love the pants! <3
    wanna follow each other? let me know :)

    sweet and sugars,

  6. Your look is amazing, I love it :)

