Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

(Late) Morning Person

I don't why is so hard to sleep earlier and waking up in the morning (?)
Today i had a mid term test at 9 o'clock and i just woke up at 06.00 o'clock. Guess what? My home is in Bekasi while my college is in Sudirman, so i have to go to college about 06.00 o'clock because the traffic is so crazy, it spend about two hours in the street. Fortunately, i'm not too late i'm arrived at college is about 09.00 o'clock and my lecturer let me in.. Thanks God ^^

Thriffted Dress
Unbreanded Denim Vest & Socks
TLTSN Black Oxford

6 komentar:

  1. Sudirman can be a total pain during rush hours...but oh well that's Jakarta and we love it, huh. :) haha you look cool btw!


  2. That's such a cute outfit to go to college!! ;)

  3. lovely shoes dear
    love the shoes combo
    btw? are you student of lasalle college?

