Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014


I love being 23, i love the number of 23, and 23 teach me many things i never learned before. Many things happen in 23, good and bad.
The good things happened like i graduated from fashion school, my parents bought me a new car, attended some interview, being close with good/ positive people, have an awareness to pray 5 times a day and fasting to change my 'loss', try being a morning person and do a morning walk routine every day, eat healthy food, sleep earlier and (its something that i finally can do)say NO if people ask for something when my heart not meant to be.
I also got the bad things like had a hard times for a quite long time, surrounded by negative people, found out that some people i thought best friends isn't the real ones and it feels like i'm wasting my time being close with them, some things i expected doesn't turns out well and being fooled with the same guy.

For all the good and bad things happened in 23, i feel grateful. especially the bad things, it makes me learn more that life isn't about good or sweet stuffs, bad things always happen, and some things will going wrong so always prepare for the worst and take a positive things behind all the bad things happened. 

Back then, i can easily feel bad for people, i keep them nicely, do good things with them, treat them well even if they're not but now its not anymore. I will treat someone like the way they treated me. If someone will try to keep a distance for me, i'll do that too. If someone makes me they're option, i'll do like that to them too. I'm not mean, I'm just protect my self from all the bad things. Life is too short for bad people. I don't care what they say or what they think about me, what i should care is someone that loves me and still besides me no matter what the condition i have. Thank God i have many lessons in 23, now it makes me more positive to start the new day, 24.

Some of my close friend's asked ; 
Him: How's your first day being 24?
Me: Hmm its turns out well.
Him: Is there something special comes to you?
Me: Special about what? a guy friend or something? Haha no. I spent the end of 23 at my hometown and its so memorable. I came with my big family from Jakarta with a big bus and its so fun. Never have a fun yet memorable experience like this before. I'm so grateful.
Him: So what's you wishes for your new age?
Me: My one and only wish is, i wish i will get something that i never had before. Please pray for me, dude! :')

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