Senin, 29 April 2013

God bless the failed plan

Im on holiday college now for two weeks, imagine that. college holiday JUST two weeks :(
Btw, i already used to have so many plan but its all failed. I'm sad, but i'm sure that God bless all the failed plan :D

Last week, my parents got high fever and i accompany them to the hospital. My dad's got dengue and my mom's got typhus. Oh God, how come?!.. The doctor said its all because of the food.
Only my dad was hospitaliezed and since that, my daily activity was just home-hospital-home-hospital and i accompanied by my cousins who was on holiday too.

Because of that, i thank God for doesn't let my plan runs well because God has another plan and i know thats His plan, i can accompany my parents. During the time, i enjoyed every single time with my cousins who accompanied me. they both funny, we talked many random things about their teenagers life, i feels like i have a sister and its was all memorable, having a good time with them. :')
my cousins

Ps. im so curious about my last semester's score. Hope i pass all the subjects. AMEN. *praying emoticon*

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